2013年7月1日 星期一

☆E級創作小書比賽 優等作品 ☆大雅分校,Lisa 葉湘婷

A Scary Dream
Sue has a wonderful day in the park today. She even caught a little beautiful bird with a net and took it back home.

After she got home, she locked the bird in a cage in her room.

Sue felt tired, so she went to bed early. She said good night to her family and to the little bird. Soon she fell asleep and she had a dream.

In her dream she was in a dark haunted house. She was scared, so she walked around slowly inside. She wanted to go out, but the door was locked.

She had no choice, but continued walking until she found a way out. Then she saw a room. She pushed the door open lightly and saw mummies inside.

She was afraid, so she turned around quickly and quietly.

She kept walking forward. There were lots of bats hanging from the ceiling and they were watching her.

She walked slowly and she saw another room. When she walked in, a witch with a long black gown came out from nowhere and caught her.

The witch was very angry and stared at her with her red eyes.

Sue cried out loud, but no one came to help. She was caught and locked in a cage.

The witch turret her into a bird and told her that it was turn to fell life without freedom.

Suddenly, she heard her mother’s voice from far away calling her name.

She also saw a little light from the distance. When the voice of her mom got close, the light got close, too.
She finally woke up from the terrible dream. She soon jumped out of her bed and ran to the bird cage. 

To her surprise, the little beautiful bird was gone.

Sue told her mom she would learn to respect all kinds of lives in the world from now on.

學生姓名:Lisa H. T. Yeh (葉湘婷)
指導老師:Uivian 朱吉雯


