2013年7月1日 星期一

☆E級創作小書比賽 優等作品 ☆彰化中央分校,Huang 黃子綺

Tomato V.S Monster
Long time ago, there was a beautiful country. Tomato country. There lived many tomatoes.

They smiled and played together every day. They were happy.

However, one day there came many monsters, and they loved to eat tomatoes!

Tomatoes were their favorite food. Eating tomatoes made the monsters strong.

Everybody was scared. They ran around but didn't know where to go. Besides, everyone wanted to protect the king, the queen and the princess.

They tried to kill the monsters, but they were dead. The monsters, but they were dead. The princess wanted to think of a way to kill the monsters, but she didn't know the way.

One day, there came a young tomato. He was strong and smart. He fought with the monsters.

After a long, hard time, he Won. Everyone wanted to thank him.

Especially the king, the queen and the princess wanted to say thanks. The princess fell in love with him.
However, the young tomato was gone after killing the monsters.

He even didn't leave his name. Maybe he was too shy, or maybe he had some reasons that he didn't want to tell everyone.

Although the princess was sad, She was still happy. Anyway, everyone was happy in the end.

學生姓名:JULIE T. Y. Huang (黃子綺)
指導老師:Caroline 彭凱琳


